Monday, February 25, 2013

Balancing a Job, a Teeny Business, Planning a Wedding and Kids.

First of all, let me state for the record that I fully realize there are mothers out there with busier schedules than mine. I realize that there are single mothers who DON'T have the help that I am blessed with. I used to be one of those single mothers.

This blog is not about complaining.  This is just about my life.

I started Kittn's Purrfections in October 2010 when I had no job, a child in school, and a quiet pre-schooler at home. Immediately, I realized I was wayyy over my head. Owning a business online can be a VERY scary place. I was starting up with almost no start up cash, and a dream in my eye.

KP has had its ups and its downs, mainly from the financial side. I had no idea how steeply I was undercharging the customers, wanting only to offer FAIR prices to my fans who I had grown to laugh and cry with. Not only did they earn the title Purrfectionistas, but many earned the title of friend as well. In the process of making sure they got amazing prices, I forgot to be fair to myself.

In September 2011, my family and I hit rock bottom. My fiance'e was laid off after an injury that put him out for 6 weeks. (Ever broke your tailbone? I have. Twice. And Mister Boss Man, the agony my darling felt those 6 weeks from being injured on YOUR farm was all too real.)

I no longer had ANY funds to make up for the extra costs. Faced with closing KP down, I stood before my Purrfectionistas, my friends, and laid it all out. I was done for. I had never been one to give up easily, but this is a woman who couldn't even keep her electricity on, much less keep up with a business that was steadily costing money to run, and not giving anything back.

Those same friends didn't give up so easy. Always understanding and always kind, they cheered me on the days I needed heroes, the days I thought I could never smile.

But I did slow down. I took more time to fix my own problems, getting jobs while my fiance'e searched desperately for work. (He has a blip on his background that I won't bother going into,  at least not in this blog.)

I even started working towards my GED, an accomplishment that I couldn't be more proud of.

My mom passed in September 2012 and threw me for another loop. My friends in real life, online, and KP suffered horribly. I was in a foul mood for months, easy to piss off, and quick to tear up. I was a wreck.

Then one shiny day, I woke up with a smile. I had woken to a busy, BUSY day of school, work, and advertising to get KP back up and running. It felt natural, right some how. Kids were put on the school bus, I worked until 6pm, came home to homework & baths (Thank Goodness dinner is DADDY's job) and tucked safely into bed.

Oh how I wanted to rest my tired feet. Instead,  I spent the next 48 hours posting brand new items, at amazing prices, and advertising the hell out of my shop. If you were on Facebook in those 48 hours, I apologize for the spam in your news feeds.

It worked. I've since spent several 48 hour blocks on the shop, and three weeks later, I'm consistently selling enough that I have a few bucks saved to start making up those lost giveaway items and packages that I owe.

It's neverending. It's exhausting. Tuesday through Friday I am home with my children, and constantly chugging through on KP. If I don't post sales and discounts,  I don't sell. If I don't constantly reach out to NEW fans, I don't sell. Tuesday through Friday, I'm a walking zombie. Saturday through Monday, I work from 9 - 7, if not later. Generally, I fall asleep after work, or work on a Facebook page that I admin for in my rare free time.

So why did I wake up smiling?

Because simply put, I woke up with a plan. I had gained my GED with high scores, had a plan for college (for my lifetime choice of career) if I could just get my hands on a laptop, and I knew what I would have to do to see KP shine once again.

For the first time in over a year, I felt in control, and blessed. I knew it would be hard, and it HAS been. However, the rewards of self worth, confidence, and this newfound smile makes every single day worth it.

I couldn't have done it without my Purrfectionistas, my amazing fiance'e, and three amazing children who understand more than they should about being poor and hard times.

Yep. I'm pretty damned blessed and I'm loving every crazy, hectic, stressful moment.